I have configured the openweathermap add-on to get the current wind speed. So you just need to put the units in your label to display it properly. Keeley, S., Laloyaux, P., Lopez, P., Lupu, C., Radnoti, G., deRosnay, P., Although the large-scale flow during the studied 4d period is similar to the 40-year climatology, the results are subject to uncertainty, due to the short simulation period, and may not be valid under different or more time-variable large-scale forcing. Question 1: The kind of precipitation (Rain, Snow, Snow and Rain, None) for the last hour. If you need to convert city names and zip-codes to geo coordinates and the other way around automatically, please use our Geocoding API. You signed in with another tab or window. closed by 9037568 Figure10 shows the potential temperature at 15:00LT minus the potential temperature at 09:00LT as a vertical cross-section above the valley centre lines on20 and 21December. These Himalayan valleys have very different topographies compared with the much more extensively studied valleys in the European Alps and Rocky Mountains. These locations are shown by crosses in Figs.2b and 3, and the colours refer to the along-valley wind time series in Fig.6. the Convection, Viscous Sublayer, and Turbulence Closure Schemes, Mon. Here, the cross-valley wind is perpendicular to the along-valley wind, but it is calculated at the slopes 5 to 10 grid points away from the valley centre line. Soc., 146, If you need the geocoder to automatic convert city names and zip-codes to geo coordinates and the other way around, please use our, Your unique API key (you can always find it on your account page under the. The valley width is calculated at an elevation of 1000m above the valley centre line. simulations of boundary-layer processes and urban-induced alterations in an diSarra, A.G., Evangelisti, F., Duchi, R., Facchini, M., Fuzzi, S., Gobbi, Bonaf, U., Calzolari, F., Colombo, T., Decesari, S., DiBiagio, C., weather analysis and forecasting/16th conference on numerical weather You can use this parameter to get the output in your language. Here is what I did: Seems to work well now. Such a single circulation cell spans the whole cross-valley direction and can be identified if there are daytime up-slope winds at one slope and down-slope winds at the other slope (Fig.S3h in the Supplement). Ek, M., Meng, J., Wei, H., Yang, R., Lord, S., vanden Dool, H., Kumar, A., A comparative high-altitude meteorological analysis from three catchments in In the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys, the diurnal cycle of potential temperature and the up-valley winds are found in a layer that is 6001200m deep above the valley centre lines, whereas the corresponding depth is 10001500m in Makalu and Kanchanjunga. These aims are addressed primarily by analysing a 4d simulation performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, as the network of meteorological observations is rather scarce in this region. That means you can pass more than one city ID at one time. the valley width increases) from the along-valley grid point 40 (xaxis in Fig.3b), at the valley floor elevation of 3000m, towards the valley top (along-valley grid point 0). 2012 2022 OpenWeather All rights reserved, 8,000+ OpenWeatherMap weather API repositories on GitHub, Google Weather-Based Campaign Management with OpenWeatherMap API, Connect your weather station to OpenWeatherMap, Get weather data for free for open source project, Vegetation indicies statistics by each recognised field, Climate data for regions and particular field, Vegetation indices and Historical NDVI chart, Current, Forecast and Historical weather data. (metres above sea level) from grid point 120 to grid point 30 with the slope varying between 0 and 6. You can also access weather data of cities within a rectangle zone. Ebisuzaki, W., Lin, R., Xie, P., Chen, M., Zhou, S., Higgins, W., Zou, C.-Z., is based on OpenWeather data and uses short term minute forecast. Dynamical Drivers of the Local Wind Regime in a Himalayan Valley, J. Geophys. We first analysis the large-scale flow to ensure that it is consistent with the analysis in ERA5 (discussed in Sect.2.1). Specifically, in steeply inclined valleys, the buoyancy mechanism that drives up-slope winds in classical mountain wind theories (Whiteman,2000) may become more dominate than the valley-wind mechanism. on Planetary Boundary Layer Growth Over a Valley on the North Side of the In Makalu Valley, the valley floor elevation increases from 500 to 4000ma.s.l. Bonaf, U., Calzolari, F., Colombo, T., Decesari, S., DiBiagio, C., If you just started learning Python then this blog is for you. You might need to cast it to a QuantityType first. Sci., 70, 40414066, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-13-083.1, In Gaurishankar Valley, the daytime up-valley winds have maximum respective values of 5, 10, 5 and 46ms1 at the four marked locations between 20 and 21December, listed from the valley entrance to the valley top (Fig.6a). Direct link to signup page https://home.openweathermap.org/users/sign_up. Parameter q is city name. The up-valley winds exceeding 3ms1 cover half of the along-valley distance in Kanchanjunga, whereas they are only found at the valley entrance in Makalu. Whiteman, C. D.: Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications, New York, Oxford University Press. Leaving everything behind, people are fleeing conflict in Ukraine. You can use the lang parameter to get the output in your language. Since then, it has been tweaked to allow for factors beyond just the air temperature - such as humidity, wind speed and radiant heat which can cause courtside spaces to become much hotter than the air outside the tennis complex. We now attempt to understand the differences in the daytime up-valley winds during this 4d period between the four valleys and along the individual valleys and to relate these differences to the differences in the valley topographies. Headquarters in London, UK. Bonekamp etal. The along-valley wind characteristics in Khumbu Valley were found to be similar to what previous research has shown, with respect to both observational (Inoue,1976; Ueno and Kayastha,2001; Bollasina etal.,2002; Ueno etal.,2008; Bonasoni etal.,2010; Shea etal.,2015) and model-based studies (Potter etal.,2018, 2021). In the WRF simulation performed by Bonekamp etal. %wind-gust% This data is only returned by the API if the condition exists. Mountain tops reaching above 8000m in the inner domain (d04) of the simulation: Mount Everest, Kanchanjunga, Lhotse, Makalu and Cho Oyu. Headquarters in London, UK. I hope you found it helpful so share this with others. resolution on WRF v3.8.1 simulated meteorology over the central Himalaya, Winds in the Swiss Alps: Influence of Grid Resolution, Topography Filtering, Weather Rev., 136, Please add products before saving :). 167 pulls off upset as play suspended due to heat. Find lots of workouts with our weather APIs on PHP, Java, Python, Go and many others on the Partners page together with 8,000+ repositories on GitHub, Run your advertising campaign with the OpenWeatherMap API through Google AdWords. In this,JSON returns data from cities laid within definite circle that is specified by center point (lat, lon) and expected number of cities (cnt) around this point. Coastlines and country borders are shown in grey, and the borders of Nepal are shown in red. speed The valleys can be roughly divided in two groups based on their topographic characteristics: the two westernmost valleys, Gaurishankar and Khumbu (Fig.3a, b), and the two easternmost valleys, Makalu and Kanchanjunga (Fig.3c, d). See EXAMPLE.md for a demonstration of how I use this in my Daily Template. A variety of subscriptions with various limits on calls/min, data availability, and service. %Icon% - This is replaced with the image tag This is more useful if it is embedded inside a div code block. of free tropospheric aerosols, Nat. During large-scale north-westerlies (18December), the daily cycle of along-valley winds is interrupted more compared with days with large-scale westerlies (2021December), especially at the tops of the Gaurishankar, Khumbu and Makalu valleys. OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science. Wireless wind/thermo-hygro sensor transmits from a 330 ft range (open air) to your indoor console so you know what the weather's doing without having to turn on a radio or TV. So now, if you want to access weather data according to Zip code then you can do so in very easy way. You can place the following strings in your templates and when creating a new document using the template, they will automatically be replaced with the corresponding weather strings. Manage deliveries with confidence by using tools that help you route accordingly. The yellow lines in Fig.2b were manually extended from the valley entrance to reach over the adjacent plain. The description of the along-valley winds is mostly based on the 2021December period, when the thermally driven winds were well defined in the valleys, but the 1819December period is also considered in the text. Get the API keys. For getting openweathermap data, you have to pass the following keywords in url of your browser. Part II: Implementation of a New Snow Parameterization, Mon. Meteorological impacts of a novel debris-covered glacier category in a The spin-up time of 12h from the beginning of the simulation is excluded. The simulation is evaluated using meteorological observations from three AWSs in the Khumbu Valley. Headquarters in London, UK. Only really measured or calculated data is displayed in API response. J. This way, the dominant driving mechanism of the along-valley winds, within the valleys, could shift from the valley volume effect to buoyant forcing due to the inclination. At the valley entrance, the night-time winds vary from 2.5ms1 down-valley to 5ms1 up-valley (yellow time series, grid point 155 in Fig.6a). The data is frequently updated based on the global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations. The weather data is provided for any moment of time for 5 days ahead and 5 days back, covering any destination and any point along the route. Current, forecasted and historical Temperature, Pressure, Wind speed, Clouds, and others (15 layers in total) OpenWeather mobile app. Thanks everyone. Configure the OpenWeather - Get weather forecast action This is consistent with the stronger up-valley winds at this time in Kanchanjunga compared with the other valleys. Temperature accounting for the human perception of weather, C. Parameters During Weak Mean-Flow Conditions, Bound.-Lay. Requesting API calls by geographical coordinates is the most accurate way to specify any location. For each point on the globe, OpenWeather provides historical, current and forecasted weather data via light-speed APIs. In the morning (20December at 09:00LT), the potential temperature difference between the valley atmosphere and the plain is small in the layer where the up-valley winds flow (Fig.8). Wagner etal. The differences in the valley winds between the valleys are discussed in Sect.5, and the conclusions are given in Sect.6. Weather You need an API key, which is free, but requires a registration. The rain has suspended play on outdoor courts for hours. The World is Not Flat: Implications for the Global Carbon Balance, Bull. Phys., 15, 65896603, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-15-6589-2015, 2015.a, b, c, d, e, f, g, Whiteman, C. D.: Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications, New York, Oxford University Press, Check weather updates with our OpenWeather feature that provides graphic overlays on the map for clouds, precipitation, sea level pressure, temperature, and wind speed. The up-valley winds basically stop on the northern side of the barrier close to the valley entrances of Gaurishankar and Khumbu. Novak Djokovic received a hero's welcome at Melbourne Park before normal service resumed . For each point on the globe, OpenWeather provides historical, current and . The strong winds at this location can be explained by the Venturi effect (Whiteman,2000). Valley names are listed from west to east: Gaurishankar, Khumbu, Makalu and Kanchanjunga. Their ids will follow the format: sensor._. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00109.1, 2014.a, b, Saha, S., Moorthi, S., Pan, H.-L., Wu, X., Wang, J., Nadiga, S., Tripp, P., Figure10Vertical cross-section of potential temperature change above the valley centre lines (yellow lines in Fig.2b) between 09:00 and 15:00LT on20December (a, c, e, g) and 21December (b, d, f, h). simulations of boundary-layer processes and urban-induced alterations in an Meteorol., Chem. Res.-Atmos., 120, 98829896, The period of this case study was selected to coincide with the measurement campaign by Bianchi etal. Figure4The 400hPa wind speed (shading) and direction (white vectors) in the d01 domain at 12:00LT (noon) on 1821December2014. Theyre coming here earlier, were now seeing players here for six weeks, for seven weeks and the preparation for the Australian summer is very normalised. Soc. 2014a.a, Giovannini, L., Zardi, D., deFranceschi, M., and Chen, F.: Numerical Please note that built-in geocoder functionality has been deprecated. Iredell, M., Treadon, R., Kleist, D., Delst, P.V., Keyser, D., Derber, J., Be aware of any precipitation within an hour with a minute precision or . In the WRF simulation performed by Bonekamp etal. Using openweathermap, you can also access weather data for cities in cycle. 2010.a, Shea, J., Wagnon, P., Immerzeel, W., Biron, R., Brun, F., and Pellicciotti, F.: At Lukla, the modelled maximum and minimum temperatures are around 2.5K above and below the observation respectively. You can specify the parameter not only in English. List of city ID 'city.list.json.gz' can be downloaded here. The cross-valley winds are shown in Fig.7 in a similar manner to the along-valley wind components. This product collects weather warnings from the major weather warning systems and presents them in a uniform and convenient data format. You, or anyone with the link, can use it to retrieve your Cart at any time. Disappointed tennis fans huddled in groups at vendors selling hot drinks and food, and under whatever shelter they could find to wait out . A free OpenWeather API key is required for the plugin to work. Figure2(a) Topography of the d01 domain and the inner domains, d02, d03 and d04, in the WRF simulation. 7.7 * 3.6 = 27.7. Meteorol. However, the cross-valley winds shown in Fig.7 are not the pure slope wind circulation, as the gradient of the slope elevation is not necessarily aligned perpendicularly to the valley centre line. We recommend to call API by city ID to get unambiguous result for your city. Subsidence warming is the dominant mechanisms leading to the heating of the air in the core of the valley in the morning transition phase, whereas the turbulent convective heat flux from the valley floor and the slopes is the dominant mechanism in the afternoon (Serafin and Zardi,2010). Lets implement it practically in python . Here are two methods that can help transform the JSON wind data returned by Openweathermap API into units that users will find easier to understand. The warmed layer in the valley atmospheres decreases in magnitude and depth towards the top of the valleys. Global coverage, Email notifications, Track the main weather parameters: temperature, wind speed, precipitation. The daytime up-valley winds are connected to the plain by winds that propagate over this topographical barrier, so it is reasonable to follow this line in the analysis (discussed further in Sect.4). The Khumbu Valley observational data are available from http://geonetwork.evk2cnr.org, last access: 19December2022. Data is available in JSON, XML, or HTML format. The cross-valley wind component on the western slope is multiplied by 1 to present both slopes such that positive values refer to an up-slope wind. ", Accessing Data For Cities Within A Rectangle Zone, "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/box/city? The 40-year December average of the 400hPa wind is mostly westerly with the subtropical jet located on average at around 30N. Along the leeward side of the barrier, between the plain and the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys, the isentropes descend and are parallel to the slope (Fig.9a, b). Marketplace of prepared data sets(cities, zip codes, grids), On-the-fly bulksfor customized lists of coordinates, APIs (city-based, up to 1 year back; subscriptions with various limits on calls/min, data availability, and service). The output frequency of the simulation was 1h (d01), 30min (d02), 10min (d03) and 5min (d04). 13, ISBN 90-277-2768-6, 1988., Tewari, M., F.Chen, W.W., Dudhia, J., LeMone, M.A., Mitchell, K., Ek, M., However, the cross-valley wind component is not always directed in exactly the same direction as the local slope on the valley sidewalls. variables in the south of central Himalaya, Int. Is there a configuration to retrieve the speed as km/h? Ueno, K., Toyotsu, K., Bertolani, L., and Tartari, G.: Stepwise Onset of The integration creates a weather entity as well as sensors for supported weather conditions. I imported the data and when I print it, I am able to see the requested data (humidity, temperature, wind speed etc.) Res.-Atmos., 123, 1318613202. This may mean that the dominate driving mechanism of the up-valley winds differs in our simulations compared with the simulations of Wagner etal. Kistler, R., Woollen, J., Behringer, D., Liu, H., Stokes, D., Grumbine, R., A comparative high-altitude meteorological analysis from three catchments in OpenWeather is a team of IT experts and data scientists that has been practising deep weather data science. The perpendicular barrier at the valley entrance potentially interrupts the daytime plain-to-valley wind propagation, which is seen as weaker daytime up-valley winds at the valley entrance and potentially leads to weaker up-valley winds further up in the valley. geographically expanded (use these parameter optionally), Maximum temperature at the moment. At the top of the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys, the depth of the up-valley wind layer decreases to a few hundred metres, although it still extends all the way to the top of the valleys (Fig.S4b and d in the Supplement). The qualitative difference between the spatial pattern of the thermal structure of the valley atmospheres on 20 and21December is small (Fig.10a, c, e and g compared with Fig.10b, d, f and h). G.P., Maione, M., Panday, A., Roccato, F., Sellegri, K., Venzac, H., Verza, We collect and process weather data from different sources such as global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations. Based on the observations at NCO-P, December is a good period for studying the thermally driven mountain winds in this region. Translation is applied for the city name and description fields. Ive been here when its like 45 degrees, he raged at the chair umpire. and Collins, W.D.: Radiative forcing by long-lived greenhouse gases: not be activated yet. Positive values of wind velocity refer to up-valley winds. Overall, the daily cycle of the along-valley winds in Khumbu Valley are similar among existing studies, with well-defined daytime up-valley winds and weaker night-time winds flowing either in the up- or down-valley direction. Automatic Weather Station (GEN-AWS) in Khumbu region, Nepal Himalayas, in formatted form. During this transport, these gases are oxidised and, therefore, able to form new particles and influence the climate once they are in the free troposphere. It access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! the Convection, Viscous Sublayer, and Turbulence Closure Schemes, Mon. The black star, blue cross, and red cross on the yellow line show the locations of the Nepal Climate Observatory Pyramid (NCO-P) station, the Namche AWS and the Lukla AWS respectively. The cross-sections show the whole length of the valley centre lines (yellow lines in Fig.2b); thus, the far right-hand side of all the panels in Figs.8 and 9 are the wind component and potential temperature above the plain. The four locations in the valleys represent the valley entrance (orange), two locations in the middle of the valley (purple and red) and the valley top (blue). In the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys, these strong valley entrance jets (Fig.S4e and g in the Supplement) could potentially be explained by the local strong temperature difference (discussed in detail in Sect.4.2) between the valley and the plain, which would result in forcing of plain-to-valley winds. This is deviation from current temp that is possible for large cities and megalopolises Weather data In all four valleys, the strongest up-valley winds occur at the entrances of the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys and 30km into the Gaurishankar Valley (around along-valley grid point 70). val kmh = WindSpeed_LYO.state|km/h You might need to cast it to a QuantityType first. During the 4d study period, the daytime up-valley winds are weaker and flow in a shallower layer in the parts of the valleys where the valley floor has a steep inclination (up to 5). Local along-valley winds in four major valleys on the southern slope of the Nepal Himalayas are studied by means of high-resolution meteorological modelling. The land surface scheme used in the simulation was the Unified Noah land surface model (Tewari etal.,2004). The valley entrances are significantly different between the valleys. You can also access the weather data by geographic coordinates. OpenWeather Dashboard is a visual tool for working with weather data and timely tracking of dangerous phenomena. The large-scale flow is examined at 400hPa, as the surface pressure is below 500hPa at many locations within the study area. javascript - I have wind direction data coming from OpenWeatherMap API, and the data is represented in 0 to 360 degrees. In this section you will learn how to access weather data for several cities. (2018) studied the effect of spin-up time on the output from high-resolution WRF simulations in the Langtang Catchment, which is located just outside our innermost WRF domain to the west. For example: Winds %wind-speed% Km/h^ with gusts up to %wind-gust% Km/h^ With wind gust data this will convert to: Winds 10 Km/h with gusts up to 20 Km/h Combined Rain and Snow volume for the forecasts time period, mm. Sellegri, K., Yan, C., Worsnop, D., Kulmala, M., Baltensperger, U., and The subtropical jet was located south-east of the inner domain (d04) location during the 1820December simulation period. Overall, from the WRF simulation, there is not strong evidence of well-defined thermally driven circulation in the cross-valley direction in the four valleys (Fig.S3 and S4 in the Supplement). The plain-to-valley winds basically stop between the leeward side of the barrier and the valley entrance (around grid point 110). During 1821December2014, the daily averaged wind speeds differ from the 40-year average by less than 1 standard deviation (SD) of the December monthly means near the study area (Fig.1b, c, d, e). The local wind patterns in Khumbu Valley (one of the valleys that is investigated in this study) have been studied in the past by means of meteorological observations (Inoue,1976; Ueno and Kayastha,2001; Bollasina etal.,2002; Ueno etal.,2008; Bonasoni etal.,2010; Shea etal.,2015; Yang etal.,2018) and high-resolution meteorological modelling (Karki etal.,2017; Potter etal.,2018, 2021). cities! (be) Daily averaged wind speed and direction at 400hPa in the ERA5 reanalysis for the period from 18 to 21December2014. Soc., 95, 10211028. Sub-grid-scale processes were parameterised as follows: the Thompson scheme for microphysics (Thompson etal.,2008), the Rapid Radiative Transfer Model for General Circulation Model (RRTMG) scheme for long-wave and short-wave radiation (Iacono etal.,2008), the MellorYamadaJanji (Eta) turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) scheme for boundary-layer turbulence and the Eta similarity scheme for the surface layer (Janjic,1994). Based on large amount of processing satellite and climate data, we provide analytical reports and detailed datasets for crop monitoring: Dashboard is a visual service where you can easily work with satellite imagery and weather data for your fields. 2023 . The cross-valley wind component is considered here as a wind component perpendicular to the valley centre lines (introduced in Sect.2.3.1) and, thus, perpendicular to the along-valley wind component directly above the valley centre line. The main benefit of this API is that you can use it free. Calculations with the AER radiative transfer models, J. Geophys. Easy to install instructions and includes mounting bracket and hardware. At the height of approximately 450m above the surface (model level 4; Fig.11e, f, g, h), the amplitude of the diurnal cycle is less than 1K above the plain, whereas the amplitude reaches up to 3K in the Gaurishankar and Khumbu valleys and up to 5K in the Makalu and Kanchanjunga valleys. - Below it is the Temperature min and max , wind angle in degrees. Got questions? Thank you @rlkoshak, the syntax for the rules was not fully correct but you put me on the right way. (2021) that took place in Khumbu Valley between 29November and 25December2014, as additional observations and analysis of the local weather conditions were already available. Where the valley floors start to incline strongly up towards the tops of the valleys is approximately where the warmed layer starts to become shallower. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-020-00661-5, 2021.a, b, c, d, e, f, Bollasina, M., Bertolani, L., and Tartari, G.: Meteorological observations at List of all API parameters with available units. Chem. However, the use of these identified ridgelines allows us to approximately estimate the average depth of the valley atmosphere in these valleys. Australian Jordan Thompson blew up after extreme heat forced his second-round match at the Australian Open to be suspended. Keep in mind when configuring this integration, that you new API key might The up-valley winds also spread into the smaller valleys branching off from the main valleys, but they are weaker than the up-valley winds in the main valleys. 31, 174200. Meteorol., 43, 170181. You can read more about me here. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Wind direction for the forecasts time period, degrees (meteorological). Although the jet is located around 5 south of the 40-year average during our study period, the relatively large standard deviation implies that the study period is still representative of the area's climatological large-scale wind conditions. Now in this section, we will see how to access weather data. Model Dev., 14, 14271443, So this was all aboutOpenWeatherMapAPI Python tutorial. The barrier has an inclination of up to 10 on both the northern and southern slopes of the barrier. Makalu and Kanchanjunga, on the other hand, have a 40km long almost flat portion close to the valley entrance and no barrier. They found that the difference between 12h, 24h, and 3d spin-up time was relatively small (10m wind root-mean-square error of 3.5ms1 for 12h and of 3.3ms1 for 24h and 3d). Keeley, S., Laloyaux, P., Lopez, P., Lupu, C., Radnoti, G., deRosnay, P., Figure1(a) The 400hPa wind speed (shading) and direction (white vectors) averaged over the month of December for the period from 1980 to 2019 in the ERA5 reanalysis. Ice, 38, 6673. The wind speed above this location, 200m higher than the model level that is shown in Fig.6, is already reduced by half (not shown). Bianchi etal. OpenWeather: Weather History, Get by Time. The contact author has declared that none of the authors has any competing interests. If you register an new API key with OpenWeatherMap, it will be activated automatically, this typically takes between 10 minutes and 2 hours In the 4d simulation, the peak magnitude in winds in the Gaurishankar Valley is located near a narrow (in the cross-valley direction) part of the valley (as shown in Fig.S4a in the Supplement). The model was run as one continuous 5d simulation that was initialised at 00:00UTC (05:45LT, local time) on 17December2014 and ran until 23:59UTC on 21December2014. The valley depth is shown by the purple line in Fig.3, with the values on the right yaxes. It access current weather data for any location on Earth including over, Current weather is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than, In openweathermap API data is available in, OpenWeatherMap provides many kinds of weather maps including, It was founded in 2012 and its founder is, Here i have passed two parameters, one is. Daytime up-valley winds are found in all four valleys during the simulated 4d period. Go to https://openweathermap.org to register and get a key. During night-time, the winds are around 2ms1 and are directed up-valley in the top half of the valley (grid points 25 and 45 in Fig.6a), and they are less than 1ms1 up- or down-valley in the lower half of the valley (grid points 70 and 95 in Fig.6a). Observational data are available from http: //geonetwork.evk2cnr.org, last access: 19December2022 the,... The AER Radiative transfer models, satellites, radars and a vast network of stations. 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